PYMNTS Features The Godfather of Tech’s Perspective on EU’s AI Regulations

If you’re into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), you might have come across this recent article in discussing the ongoing debate sparked by the European Union’s new AI regulations. I had the privilege of contributing my insights to this engaging discourse.

The article discusses the potential impact of the EU’s new AI regulations, highlighting both its possible benefits and its potential as a stifling force for innovation. It’s a salient topic, especially for those in the AI field or those who may be affected by these regulations.

As I told PYMNTS, “Regulations, when thoughtfully crafted, can serve as a catalyst for trust and reliability in AI applications, which is paramount for their integration into commerce.”

However, I also pointed out a significant caveat to this, one that could potentially impede the pace of innovation and the competitive edge of businesses, especially smaller entities. “Overly prescriptive or rigid regulations might hamper the pace of innovation and the competitive edge of businesses, especially smaller entities that might lack the resources to navigate complex regulatory landscapes.”

I further stressed the need for a balance, where regulations act as guiding beacons instead of becoming a barrier to innovation. “It’s crucial for regulations to offer guidance and standards without becoming a barrier to innovation.”